social-psychological: deindividuation

    Cards (8)

    • crowd behaviour:
      • deindividuation used to explain crowd behaviour - usually behaviour is constrained by social norms - discouraged
      • lose restraint in crowd, sense of identity + responsibility
      • disregard norms + laws
      • less personal guilt about harming others
    • deindividuation + aggression:
      • zimbardo distinguished between behaviours
      • individuated - rational, conform to social norms
      • deindividuated - irrational, emotional - lose self awareness + stop regulating own behaviour
    • conditions that promote aggression:
      • darkness
      • drugs/alcohol
      • uniforms
      • masks/disguises
    • research into deindividuation (zimbardo):
      • groups of 4 female undergrads gave shocks to students to aid learning
      • 1/2 = bulky lab coats, hoods, no name, separate cubicles
      • 1/2 = normal clothes, name tag, see eachother
      • findings: first half more likely to give shocks + hold button 2x longer
    • research (dodd):
      • psych teacher asked 229 students if they could do anything possible without being detected/held responsible what would they do
      • 36% antisocial behaviour, 9% prosocial, 26% criminal acts (rob banks, rape, murder)
    • EVALUATION: real world deindividuation
      • mann - 21 cases of suicidal jumpers where baiting occurred, conditions = dark, large crowd + distant from jumpers
      • online trolling = aggressive messages sent by people who hide identity, clear link
      • conditions led to deindividuation
    • EVALUATION: lack of support
      • gergen et al - dark for 1 hour, told they could do whatever, cant identify + never see eachother again - talking, kissing, touching
      • study repeated, told theyd see eachother again, less interactions
      • individuals didnt turn aggressive
    • EVALUATION: doesnt lead to aggression
      • johnson + downing - female participants gave fake shocks to confederates, one group kkk, nurses, own clothes
      • kkk more shocks, nurse fewest + most compassionate
      • aggression + prosocial outcomes of deindividuation