-ve Effectiveness: Does it reduce symptoms: A03 - Psy Thera - P1
P:Mixed research looking at effectiveness of these psychological therapies
E:Pharoah et al (2010) reviewed evidence on effectiveness of FT for families of sufferers. Concluded moderate evidence to show FT reduces hospital admissions over course of yr & improves quality of life for both patients&families.
E:But different studies results inconsistent & problems with quality of some evidence. Overall evidence base for FT weak.
-ve Effectiveness: Does it reduce symptoms: A03 - Psy Therapy - PART 2
E:Jauhar et al (2014) reviewed results of 34 studies of CBT in treating sz. Concluded it has significant, but fairly small, effect on +ve &-ve symptoms
E: McMonagle & Sultana (2009) reviewed evidence for token economy & found 3 studies which used random allocation to assign patients to condition. Of these, 1 found improvement in symptoms & none found evidence of behaviour change
-ve Effectiveness: Does it reduce symptoms: A03 - Psy Therapy - PART 3
L: Overall, only modest support for effectiveness of psychological treatments & sz remains one of harder mental health problems to treat. Making this limitation of psy treatments
+ve Effectiveness: Does it improve quality of life: A03 - Psy Therapy: PART 1
P: However, the research into the effect of such therapies on life quality is more positive
E: CBT allows patients to make sense of, and in some cases challenge, some of their symptoms.
E: Family therapy helps to reduce the stress of living with a family member who has sz, both for the patient and other family members
+ve Effectiveness: Does it improve quality of life: A03 - Psy Therapy: PART 2
E: Token economy works by making the patient’s behaviour more socially acceptable so they can better reintegrate into society.
L: All of these therapies will in some way improve the life quality of the patient as they will help patients understand their symptoms. Additionally they will allow the patient to return to a more supportive family environment and reintegrate successfully back into society
+ve Ethical Issues: A03 - Psy Therapy: PART 1
P: In general, psychologicaltherapies are seen to be much more ethically sound than biological therapies
E: CBT: Although generally considered to be ethically sound, when challenging a patient’s paranoia, CB therapists may be accused of interfering with their freedom of thought. E.g. when challenging a belief about a controlling government, this may be considered an attempt to modify their political views
+ve Ethical Issues: A03 - Psy Therapy: PART 2
E: Family Therapy: Risk of social coercion - family members may not wish to participate in the the therapy but feel obliged to. Also the therapist will have to work hard to remain neutral and avoid taking sides
E: Token Economy: Rewards become more available to those with milder symptoms as they are more able to engage in positive behaviours. This leads to discrimination of those who are severely affected.
+ve Ethical Issues: A03 - Psy Therapy: PART 3
L: Overall, although there are a number of ethical issues associated with treatments for sz, in comparison with drug treatment they are considered less concerning and therefore looked upon more favourably. However, issues such as victimisation and social control are potentially possible meaning that all psychological treatments must be conducted with the utmost care and diligence.