The influence of culture on gender roles

Cards (6)

  • The culture that children grow up in and the behaviour of the adults around them will influence their gender role development.
    This is shown in the gradually decreasing gender gap between men and women in the UK and how this contrasts with more clearly defined gender roles found in countries like India
  • Example - girl looks at all women in her culture that do domestic jobs and imitates this.
    The child learns gender appropriate behaviour within her culture through SLT
  • AO3 - Margaret Mead
    Studied 3 tribes who had contrasting cultures
    Arapesh tribe - men and women were gentle and co-operative
    Tchambuli - women were dominant and men were opposite
    Mudugomor - both were aggressive and hostile
    Suggested differences between tribes were due to different culture developments rather than biological differences
  • AO3 - tribe criticisms
    Margaret had been criticised with suggestions that the tribes did not tell her accurately what happened in their tribes but confirmed what they felt she wanted to hear
  • AO3 - David Buss
    Carried out a survey in 37 countries where participants had to rate the important of certain characteristics of a potential mate.
    Males rated good looks and youth as important as this is good when being a mother.
    Females rated financial stability and dependability
    Suggests that there are similarities in gender roles in different culture
  • AO3 - Early and Wood
    Argued that biological differences between men and women are equally as important as cultural
    Different roles = different physical characteristics