The media can also play an important tole in influencing gender development.
Children are exposed to stereotypically gendered models in the media - through social media and TV
Media portrays men as ambitious and independent whereas women are portrayed as dependant.
These models can powerfully influence the Childs understanding of appropriate behaviour for their gender
Girl watches a model on the TV and imitates the model
Like cutting her hair or doing makeup to look like her
Include meditational factors and vicarious reinforcement
Many TV programs are aware of stereotypedgender roles and have attempted to use counter stereotypes. Like female scientists
However gender schema theory claims that such images will be mis-remembered if they are counter to peoples beliefs
AO3 - McGhee and Frueh
Found that children who watched TV more than 25 hours a week were more likely to hold stereotypical ideas about gender than those who watched 10 hours or less
Supports the role of media in gender development
AO3 - Jessica Good
Studied 81 high school students and found that the traditional gender gap between science achievement in girls and boys reversed when students were tested based on text containing only female scientist images.
When male only images were used - boys scored better than girls
Practical applications for schools
Difficult to know how much of a part exposure to media models can play in gender roles, as most children are exposed to some kind of media and therefore no control group for comparison