Romanian orphan study

Cards (8)

  • Who held the Romanian orphan study into institutionalisation
  • What is institutionalisation in context of Attachment
    Often negative effects of living in an institution such as an orphanage due to lack of care provided
  • Why was the romanian orphan study in attachment done in romania
    Mass institutionalisation in the 90’s. Lots of kids in very rundown orphanages
  • Procedures of rutters orphan study
    165 institutionalised orphans adopted by british families. 52 British orphans for control group. Record age of adoption: before 6 months, 6months-2years, 2years+
  • findings of rutters orphan study
    Intellectual development: at 11 years old: before 6M IQ 102, 6M-2Y IQ 86, 2Y+ IQ77. Reassessment at 16 found similar patterns Emotional development: at adoption there were signs of delayed development, reassessment found 6M had healthy attachments, 6M+ had disinhibited attachment (attention seeking, clinginess directed at adults)
  • strength of rutters orphan study
    Real life application = importance of Key care workers for institutions with more 1-1 attention resulting in Childs better emotional and intellectual development
  • strength of rutters orphan study
    Methodological strength = high control as natural experiment, all children orphaned for similar reasons so only institutionalisation being analysed > high validity
  • Weakness of rutters orphan study
    Usual situation = romanian orphanages were particularly lacking in recourses for development, lowers application of findings