biological approach

Cards (16)

  • what are the main assumptions of the biological approach?
    • everything psychological is at first biological
    • biological processes/structures within the body impact behaviour
    • much of human behaviour has a psychological cause which may be genetically or environmentally altered
    • genes affect behaviour and influence psychological differences
    • psychologists should study the brain, nervous system and other biological systems - (for example; hormones)
    • the mind lives in the brain
  • what are the four methods of investigation under the biological approach?
    twin studies
    adoption studies
    family studies
    selective breeding
  • monozygotic twins (MZ twins)...
    are twins formed when one zygote splits and forms two separate embryos
  • dizygotic twins (DZ twins)...
    are twins formed from two zygotes - two separate eggs both become fertilised from separate sperm cells
  • concordance rates...
    refers to the extent to which a pair of twins share similar characteristics/traits
    • there is not a 100% concordance rate with MZ twins if a particular characteristic is a genetic one
    • DZ twins have lower concordance rates
    • comparisons can be made between twins that have grown up together and those who have been raised apart
  • galton (1869)...
    believed that "all natural abilities are inherited" - however, had to later agree that any resemblance between relatives could be either a result of genes or the natural environment
  • what do adoption studies involve?
    comparing a trait/characteristic between adopted children and either their adopted or biological parents
  • selective breeding...
    involves artificially selecting male/female animals for a particular trait - these animals are then put together to be bred and produce offspring
  • genotype...
    the actual set of genes that an individual has
    genetic material is made up of DNA
    genes only determine the potential for characteristics
  • phenotype...
    an individual's observable characteristics/anatomical features
    examples = shape, metabolic activities, colour
    these attributes determine an individual's ability to reproduce/survive in the wild
    dependent on the interaction of genetic and environmental factors
  • what is the biggest difference between genotype and phenotype?
    an individual's genotype is their genetic programming
    phenotype is determined by genotype
    genotype + environment = phenotype
  • recessive...
    gene only shows if an individual has two of the same recessive gene
    example = bb
  • dominant...
    gene always shows, even if the individual only has one copy
    example = BB, Bb
  • what are some evaluation points for the biological approach?
    very scientific - uses a range of scientific techniques such as FMRI scans and twin studies
    real-life application - increased understanding of biochemical processes in the brain has led to the development of psychoactive drugs
  • is the biological approach deterministic?
  • how is the biological approach deterministic?
    argues that human behaviour is governed by internal, biological causes that we have no control over