Cards (43)

  • behaviourist approach key idea is that all behaviour is learned from the environment via conditioning
  • classical conditioning (Pavlov 1902) suggests we learn through association (dog salvation experiment)
  • operant conditioning (skinner 1948) suggest we learn through reinforcement and punishment (skinners rats)
  • strengths of behaviour approach is its highly scientific and has practical applications eg therapy
  • weaknesses of behaviourist approach is that it ignore cognition and biology
  • social learning theory Bandura 1961
  • SLTs key idea is that learning accords through observation and imitation of role models
  • SLT key study is Bandura Bobo doll where children copied aggressive behaviours
  • vicarious reinforcement is learning through seeing others rewarded
  • mediation processes - attention retention reproduction motivation
  • SLT strength is that it combines behaviourism and cognition
  • SLT weakness is that it ignores biological factors
  • cognitive approach is behaviour shaped by internal mental processes
  • the schema is a mental frameworks that help organise knowledge
  • theoretical and computer models is where the mind is compared to a computer - input, processing, output
  • cognitive approach strengths is that its scientific - brain scans and explained depression - CBT therapy
  • cognitive approach weaknesses ignores emotions and oversimplifies mind as a computer
  • biological approach says that behaviour is determined by genes and neurochemistry and evolution
  • genotype is genes
  • phenotype is environment (physical characteristics)
  • neurotransmitters and Bain structures eg dopamine linked to schizophrenia
  • strengths of biological is that its scientific and has practical applications (drug treatments)
  • weakness of biological is that its reductionist and ignores environment suggest all genetics
  • psychodynamic approach Freud
  • psychodynamic approach says that unconscious thoughts shape behaviour
  • structures of personality are ID, superego and ego
  • psychosexual stages are oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital
  • defence mechanisms are repression, denial and displacement
  • strengths of psychosexual is that its influential and explains abnormal behaviour
  • weaknesses of psychosexual is that its unscientific and is subjective interpretations
  • humanistic approach (rogers and Maslow)
  • humanistic approach says that people have free will and strive for self actualisation
  • Maslow hierarchy of needs basic needs - self actualisation
  • rogers self concept says conference between self image and ideal self leads to wellbeing
  • conditions of worth is unconditional positive regard is key to mental health
  • humanistic strengths is that its holistic, positive and outlook
  • weaknesses of humanistic is that it lacks scientific evidence and is subjective
  • behaviourist is nurture, determinism, reductionist, scientific, applied to phobias and behaviour modification
  • SLT is mostly nurture, soft determinism, reductionist, scientific, key applications are aggression and media influence
  • cognitive is both nature and nurture, soft determinism, machine reductionist, scientific, key applications are CBT and memory research