Rusbult’s Investment model

Cards (6)

  • Rusbult’s investment model is a development of social exchange theory. According to Rusbult et al, commitment depends on three factors:
    • Satisfaction
    • Alternatives
    • Investments
  • Describe the factor of satisfaction in Rusbult's investment model.
    Satisfaction is based on the concept of the comparison level.
    A satisfying relationship is judged by comparing rewards and costs, a relationship is seen to be profitable if it has many rewards and few costs.
    Each partner is generally satisfied if they are getting more out of the relationship than they expect based on previous experience and social norms.
  • Describe the factor of alternatives in Rusbult's investment model.
    Comparison with alternatives results in partners thinking about if the alternatives are more rewarding and less costly.
  • Rusbult realised that satisfaction and comparison with alternatives are not enough to explain commitment. If they were, many more relationships would end as soon as costs outweighed rewards or more attractive alternatives presented themselves. Therefore she introduced a crucial third factor; investment.
  • Describe the factor of investment in Rusbult's investment model.
    An investment can be understood as anything we would stand to lose if the relationship were to end.
  • There are two types of investments: intrinsic and extrinsic. What is the difference?
    Intrinsic investments are any resources that we put directly into the relationship, like money, possessions, emotions, etc.
    Extrinsic investments are resources that previously did not feature in the relationship, but are now closely associated with it. Like mutual friends, children, shared memories, etc.