social learning theory

Cards (9)

  • what are the assumptions of the social learning theory?
    agreed with behaviourists much of learning is done through experience
    believed that behaviour is learnt through observation and imitation
  • imitation…
    copying the behaviour of others
  • vicarious reinforcement…
    behaviour is learnt due to seeing the behaviour being rewarded
  • what is the name of the process that bandura identified to explain how learning occurs?
    the mediational process
  • what are the four steps of the mediational process?
    1. attention - extent to which we remember the behaviour
    2. retention - how well the behaviour is remembered
    3. motor reproduction - the ability of the observer to perform the behaviour
    4. motivation - the will to perform the behaviour (whether it was punished or rewarded)
  • identification…
    imitation occurs due to the observer viewing the person as a role model
  • bandura (1961)…
    studied how children reacted to watching an adult role model act with a bobo doll - when the child saw the adult hit the doll with a hammer and yell at it, they were much more likely to copy that behaviour
  • what were the findings of bandura’s study?
    the children who observed the aggressive adult then went onto play aggressively (same with the children who observed a calm role model)
    there were also high levels of imitation if the role model was of the same gender as the child
  • what are some evaluation points of social learning theory?
    provides a comprehensive explanation of human learning
    has an over-reliance on lab studies
    underestimates biological factors - one consistent finding of the boba doll study was that the boys were more aggressive than the girls - could be due to hormonal factors like testosterone