neurons and synaptic transmission

Cards (18)

  • what are the three types of neurones?
    relay neuron
    motor neuron
    sensory neurone
  • nucleus…
    control centre of the cell
    contains chromosomal DNA
  • dendrites…
    receives the nerve impulse from the neurons
  • axon…
    where the electrical signals pass along
  • myelin sheath…
    insulates/protects the axon from external influences
  • nodes of ranvier…
    speed up the transmission of the nerv impulse
  • terminal buttons…
    sends signals to the adjacent cell
  • motor neuron…
    carries messages from the CNS to effectors; such as muscles and glands
    has short dendrites and long axons
  • sensory neuron…
    carries messages from the peripheral nervous system to the brain and spinal cord
    long dendrites and short axons
  • relay neuron…
    transfers messages from sensory neurons to other relay or motor neurons
    short dendrites and short/long axons
  • synaptic transmission…
    the process by which neighbouring neurons communicate by sending chemical signals across the gap (synapse) that separates them
  • what happens when an electrical signal reaches the end of a neuron?
    neurotransmitters are released
  • neurotransmitters…
    brain chemicals that are released from synaptic vesicles that relay signals across the synapse from one neuron to another
  • action potential…
    occurs when a neuron sends information down an atom, away from the cell body
    an explosion of electrical activity
  • what two things can synaptic connections be?
    excitatory or inhibitory
  • excitatory…
    they make it more likely that the next neuron will fire
  • inhibitory…
    make it less likely that the next neuron will fire
  • normal brain function…
    depends upon a regulated balance between these two influences