Research into conformity

    Cards (11)

    • How did Jennes research conformity?
      • Aimed to find out if a group discussion would influence an individual's judgement
      • First asked participants to estimate how many sweets were in a jar independently then they discussed estimates with the group
      • Questioned psychology students
      • Nearly all participants changed their answer after discussion
      • Average change of opinion was greater amongst females
      • He concluded that if people are unsure of the answer they look to others for guidance and reassurance
    • What is the auto-kinetic effect?
      • Tested by Sherif
      • Participants shown dot of light and asked to estimate how far it moved
      • Individuals had their own estimates (usually 2-6 inches)
      • When in groups their estimates converged to one mean (of about 4 inches)
      • Light did not actually move at all and just appeared to - called the auto-kinetic effect
      • Shows that group norms are established through interaction of individuals and the levelling-off of extreme opinions
      • Result is a consensus agreement that tends to be a compromise even if it's wrong
    • How did Asch investigate conformity?
      • Participants originally told they were taking part in a study testing vision/perception
      • Placed in small groups with 7 confederates (people who had agreed to give wrong answers during the trial)
      • Each person spoke out loud their answer to the question "Which line matches the one on the card?" - participant was either last or second to last to answer
      • Original study used 50 male participants from USA
    • What were the findings of Asch's study investigating conformity?
      • 37% conformity rate
      • 75% conformed at least once
      • 25% didn't conform at all
      • 5% conformed on every trial
      • When tested alone 98% of participants were correct (control condition)
    • Evaluation points for Asch's study investigating conformity:
      • Low populational validity - only male Americans - androcentric - possible beta bias - Problem as Jennes found there are higher levels of conformity in women
      • Ethics - deception as believed it was a test of vision & confederates were participants. However, reduces demand characteristics which increases internal validity
      • Low ecological validity and lacks mundane realism - not task or setting that represents everyday life
      • High internal validity due to lab experiment involving high levels of control and is replicable
    • Study that compares to Asch: Perrin and Spencer
      Perrin and Spencer replicated exactly Asch's study using engineering, maths and chemistry students in England. Only in one of the 396 trials did participants conform, therefore Asch's study lacks external validity.
    • Crutchfield investigation into conformity:
      Group of 5 participants (from larger group) sat side by side in individual booths with a panel of lights & switches. One set of lights indicated supposed responses of other 4 participants. They were presented with slides with multiple choice questions on them. Answers of other participants falsified to see effect of conformity. 46% conformed to incorrect majority when asked to compare size of a circle & a star. 30% conformed to incorrect majority of Asch style questions. 17% admitted to knowing they were being deceived & answers of others were false.
    • Bond and Smith investigation into conformity:
      Carried out a meta-analysis of 133 studies from 17 different countries, all of which used the Asch style conformity test. Analysis of the US studies showed that conformity had been declining since the 1950's. Cross cultural analysis also showed that collectivist cultures tended to show higher levels of conformity than individualistic cultures.
    • What was the procedure of the 'variable: group size' of Asch's study?
      When the participant was with only one confederate, conformity rates dropped to around 3%. When there were 2 confederates, conformity increased to around 12%. When there were 3 confederates, conformity rose to around 31%. After this point, conformity levels stayed around the same level but after so many confederates, it dropped again as participants could guess the aim of the investigation. This shows that 3 or more people is when peak group pressure is established and conformity is more likely.
    • What was the procedure of the 'variable: unanimity' of Asch's study?
      In the original study, all confederates gave the same incorrect answer: they were unanimous in their answers. In this variable, Asch told one of the confederates to give the correct answer whilst everyone else gave the false answer. Conformity rates dropped to 5%. This shows that support from another member of the group makes it easier to resist group pressure to conform. Disrupting group unanimity reduces conformity.
    • What was the procedure of the 'variable: task difficulty' of Asch's study?
      In the original study, the correct answer was obvious (unambiguous). In this variable, the task was made more difficult by making the distances between the lengths of the lines smaller. The task was made mor ambiguous. Results showed that conformity rates increased when the task was made more difficult. This shows people are more likely to conform if they are unsure of their opinion/answer.