Agency theory

Cards (13)

  • Applications that have arisen from this theory
    Methodology used in developing this theory
    Evidence for and against
    Alternative theory
  • Peoples tendency to obey people has a useful function it helps to keep society running smoothly because people abide by rules instead of acting independently
  • The first state is autonomous where the person believes they have the power - freely choose their behaviour and take control of their own actions (own moral code)
  • The second state is agentic where the person allows someone else to direct their behaviour (that they aren't responsible for the consequences of their behaviour)
  • The agent state can be explained through evolution due to it being used as a survival strategy where following leaders in a threatening situation
  • Acting agentically is learned in childhood like in schools where kids are taught to put aside their own wishes for order maintenance
  • It also suggests people experience moral strain when they feel that their obedient behaviour is wrong
  • Displacing responsibility onto authority figures reduces moral strain or through dissenting
  • Evidence for (milligrams study provides evidence for..)
    + It supports moral strain
    + It supports evidence for The concept of displacement
    + Supported by other research like in hofling et al 1966
  • Evidence for
    = Lacks direct evidence as agency is an internal mental process and cannot be directly observed (low in validity)
    = The theory is more a description rather than an explanation
  • Methodology
    + Used standardised procedures for good replication with a different variable to see what has the main impacts
    + Increases scientific credibility
  • Methodology
    = Lacked mundane realism
    = low in generalisability and ecological validity
  • Applications
    + Agency theory Explains real life events
    + Studies from different cultures also support agency theory
    + Hofling et al 1966 (how nurses obeyed orders)
    = Does not explain individual differences (why some people obey and don't and do)