1918 Revolution

Cards (39)

  • What event initiated the two-stage revolution in October 1918?
    The Kaiser accepted Chancellor Hertling's resignation
  • What was the significance of Kaiser asking Prince Max von Baden to form a government?
    It marked a shift to a parliamentary government
  • Who was Prince Max von Baden?
    A moderate conservative and Wilhelm II's cousin
  • What did Prince Max von Baden do to form his cabinet?
    He included representatives from majority parties
  • What was the hope of the Kaiser and generals regarding Max von Baden's appointment?
    They hoped for favorable terms from the USA
  • What did Max von Baden request from President Wilson on October 3?
    An armistice based on Wilson's fourteen points
  • How did Wilson respond to Max von Baden's request for an armistice?
    He demanded total surrender and regime change
  • What was the impact of Wilson's response on the German political landscape?
    It increased calls for the Kaiser’s abdication
  • What happened to Ludendorff on October 26?
    He was forced to resign
  • Why did Max von Baden reassure Wilson about military control?
    To show the military was under government control
  • What significant change occurred in Germany on October 28?
    Germany became a parliamentary monarchy
  • What were the responsibilities of the Chancellor and ministers after the change?
    They were responsible to the Reichstag and Bundesrat
  • How were the Kaiser’s powers over the military affected?
    His powers were significantly reduced
  • What voting system was abolished in Prussia?
    The three-class voting system
  • What was the urgency for an armistice related to the military situation?
    Britain broke through the last German defense
  • What event marked the beginning of Stage 2 of the revolution?
    The mutiny of naval crews at Wilhelmshaven
  • What did the sailors do during the mutiny at Wilhelmshaven?
    They raised the Communist flag
  • Who called for a communist revolution during the mutiny?
    Karl Liebknecht of the Spartacus League
  • What happened on November 3 in Kiel?
    The High Seas Fleet mutinied
  • What was the outcome of the mutiny in Kiel?
    40,000 rebellious sailors, soldiers, and workers took control
  • What was proclaimed on November 7 in Bavaria?
    An independent socialist republic was proclaimed
  • Who led the uprising in Munich for the Bavarian Socialist Republic?
    Kurt Eisner, a socialist USPD member
  • What did the Revolutionary Shop Stewards call for on November 8?
    A general strike the next day
  • What happened on November 9 in Berlin?
    Workers' and soldiers' councils were formed
  • Who proclaimed a Workers' Republic in Berlin?
    Philipp Scheidemann from the SPD
  • What did Prince Max do after Wilhelm II's abdication?
    He transferred political authority to Friedrich Ebert
  • Who became Chancellor of the new Republic?
    Friedrich Ebert
  • What was Friedrich Ebert's challenge as Chancellor?
    To maintain army support without alienating the left
  • How did the revolution end in terms of the socialist movement?
    It disappointed the Spartacus movement's goals
  • How large was the Spartacus League by the end of 1918?
    It barely had 1,000 members
  • What did most protesters want instead of a communist dictatorship?
    A form of democracy
  • Who led many of the workers' soviets during the revolution?
    USPD members seeking democratic change
  • How is the revolution of 1918 often described?
    As a failure
  • Why might Germans not have wanted large-scale social experiments in 1918?
    It would have been disastrous in winter
  • What did the revolution ultimately provide for Germany?
    An armistice and a Republic
  • What was clear about the new political institutions after the revolution?
    They would be democratic in nature
  • How did the pressure from outside the Reichstag affect representation?
    It achieved greater popular representation
  • How strong was the reform movement within the Reichstag against the imperial regime?
    It never looked strong enough to assert itself
  • What did the new Republic promise for Germany?
    To be freer and more egalitarian