Influence of early attachment on later relationships

Cards (6)

  • What is the Internal working model as a part of early attachment on later relationships
    Kids form mental representations of primary caregiver which serves as model for future relationships e.g. own parenting
  • What is the Myron Wilson and smith study as a part of early attachment on later relationships
    Bullying questionnaire: found secure attachment type is less likely to experience bullying, avoidant more likely to be bullied and resistant more likely to bully
  • What is the Hazan+ shaver study as a part of early attachment on later relationships
    Love quiz: questionnaire in paper about relationship with 620 responses. Found 56% people were secure and likely to have a healthy relationship, 25% were avoidant and likely to fear intimacy and less need for love 19% were resistant and likely to be jealous and scare others by clinginess
  • Strength of research into early attachment on later relationships
    IWM support - 99 mothers asked about attachment to own mother and own children. Found poor relationship with mother led to poor relationship with children.
  • Weakness of early attachment on later relationships
    Methodological limitations = all 3 studies were self report techniques so social desirability bias present and lowered validity
  • weakness of early attachment on later relationships
    Hard to study > the IWM is an unconscious idea so asking people to consciously report on it is difficult