that internal mental processes like memory, perception and thinking should be studies scientifically as they are areas that are neglected by the other approaches
What is a schema?
a cognitive/ mental framework or a pocket of information that helps organize, influence and interpret information.
what schemas are babies born with?
simple motor neuron schemas for innate behaviours such as sucking and grasping
what can schemas do?
process lots of information quickly
influence our experiences in later life
what is a weakness of schemas?
distortion of our interpretations -> leading perceptual errors
what are the cognitive approaches within psychology?
the scientific study of the neurological basis of mental processes using brain imaging techniques eg MRI & PET scans
what are some studies in cognitive neuroscience?
Broca1860 - observed damage to the frontal lobe can permanently effect speech function
Buckner & Peterson 1996 - observed that episodic and semantic memories may be located in opposite sides of the brain of prefrontal cortex & the central executive was located near
what techniques are used in cognitive neuroscience?
scanning techniques -> MRI & PET scans -> useful for establishing mental disorders e.g OCD
able to infer cognitive processes through theories
lab studies -> replicable data seen & objective data
this is a strength because it gives the approach credible scientific basis towards the study of the mind, the data produced is reliable and accurate/valid as it is not susceptible to human emotions and issues
what is a weakness of the Cognitive Approach?
Research lacks external validity
uses lab studies
based on inferences
this is a weakness because the approach doesn't relate to the external environment as it has an artificial task and stimulus. it is also not directly observed and is sometimes a theoretical and abstract approach
what is a positive consequence of the cognitive approach?
real life application
dominant approach in psychology
contributed to AI robots
made advances in living in the future
this is a positive because the approach has improved the reliability of EWT through lie detection and can be applied to the treatment of depression & improves the quality of life for amputees
what is a negative consequence of the cognitive Approach?
machine reductionist
suggests that humans are machines
says that human memories can be affected by emotions and therefore affect EWTs
this is a negative because robots and computers ignore human information and emotion and motivation of the cognitive system, which weakens the validity of the approach
why is less determinist a strength in the Cognitive Approach?
less determinist: softer determinism than hard determinism
soft determinism -> having free will but you are also influence by internal and external factors ( as you are born with some schemas as a baby)
this is a strength because it shows that a person still has emotions and thought processes which allows us choice in how we think, therefore this approach has face validity