The biological approach is a perspective in psychology that emphasizes the role of genetics, brain structure, and neurochemical imbalances in explaining behavior and mental processes.
what does the biological approach suggest?
Behaviour is the result of biological structures such as genes, neurochemistry and the nervous system
what is neurochemistry?
The actions of chemicals in the brain especially the role of neurotransmitters.
The imbalances of the neurotransmitters can cause mental disorders
How can the biological approach be studied?
twin studies
what are twin studies?
Studies that compare the similarities and differences between identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic) twins to understand the contributions of genetics and the extent of which twins share the same characteristics
how are twin studies measured?
through a concordance rate
would monozygotic twins or dizygotic twins have a higher concordance rate?
Monozygotic twins
what would a higher concordance rate indicate?
Genetic influence/ basis because monozygotic twins share more genes
what is a genotype?
The genetic makeup of an organism.
what is a phenotype?
The observable characteristics or traits of an organism.
how can phenotypes change?
through the environment
what is determined by both genes and the environment?
behavior and psychological characteristics
what is the main principle of the biological approach?
evolution such as natural selection that suggests that any genetically determined behaviour that enhances survival will continue in later generations
What is a strength of the Biological Approach?
Real Life Application -> drugs and medicine
clinical depression can be treated with anti-depressants that increase the neurotransmitter serotonin at synapses in the brain
this is a strength of the biological approach because it means that the approach is valid, it allows people to be more independent and relieve societal pressure and makes the treatment cheaper and more accessible
what is a weakness of the Biological Approach?
Drugs only have a modest effect -> drugs don't cure people
Andrea Cipraini et al 2018 looked at 21 anti-depressant drugs and there were more effective than placebos but 'only a modest effect'
this is a weakness because this challenges the value of the biological approach, suggesting brain chemistry isn't accountable in all cases as there could be more at play
what is another strength of the Biological Approach?
scientific and objective research -> lab based research
theoretical methods -> objective
MRIs & EEGs of the brain -> scientific
these methods accurately measure the physiological and neural processes
this is another strength because the approach is based off of objective and reliable data and it has more credibility & reliability
what is a consequence of the Biological Approach?
biologically determinist
mental health disorders and behaviour is based on your genes & internal processes and not the environment (nothing we can control)
this is a consequence because this approach eliminates the idea of a person's free will, causes problems what talking about crime and argues against personal experiences
what is a limitation of the Biological Approach?
the approach only focuses on on genes and neurological biology
this is a limitation because the approach is unwholistic and ignores social and cultural causes and behavior which makes the appraoch too simplistic and impersonal