
Cards (202)

  • What does ABC stand for in media studies?
    Audit Bureau of Circulations
  • What is the concept of an active audience?
    Audiences engage actively with media texts
  • What is an advertising campaign?
    A campaign run by an advertising agency
  • What is an advertorial?
    An advert presented as editorial content
  • What does agenda setting refer to in media?
    Prioritizing selected stories by media institutions
  • What is the purpose of anchorage in media?
    To reinforce the producer's intended meaning
  • Who is the antagonist in a plot?
    The character disrupting the protagonist
  • What is an archetype?
    A universal type of character in media
  • Who does the term audience refer to?
    The people consuming a media product
  • What is audience positioning?
    How a media product addresses its audience
  • What is an avatar in gaming?
    The player's representation in the game
  • What does BARB stand for?
    Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board
  • What is the bardic function of media?
    Media as a storyteller and information provider
  • What does BBFC stand for?
    British Board of Film Classification
  • What is a Big Close Up (BCU)?
    An extreme close-up focusing on detail
  • What is a binary opposite?
    Representations structured as oppositional pairs
  • What does binary opposition create in narratives?
    Conflict between two opposing ideas
  • What is binge watching?
    Watching multiple episodes in succession
  • What is a blog?
    A regularly updated website or web page
  • Who is a blogger?
    A person who updates a blog
  • What is a brand?
    A product marketed under a specific name
  • What is a brand ambassador?
    A celebrity promoting a product or service
  • What is brand identity?
    The image a brand projects to its audience
  • What is bricolage?
    Borrowing signs from different styles to create
  • What is a broadsheet?
    A newspaper prioritizing hard news
  • What is a by-line?
    The line naming the writer of an article
  • What is a call to action?
    An instruction to provoke an immediate response
  • What is camera movement?
    The way the camera is moved during filming
  • What does CAP code stand for?
    UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising
  • What is censorship?
    Controls and regulations on media content
  • What is CGI?
    Computer-generated imagery in media
  • What does circulation refer to?
    The amount of readers or viewers accessing media
  • What is classification in media?
    A rating for age suitability of content
  • What is a cliff hanger?
    A narrative device creating suspense at the end
  • What is a closed narrative?
    A story with neatly resolved main threads
  • What is a close up (CU)?
    A camera shot tightly focusing on detail
  • What are codes in media?
    Systems of signs creating meaning in texts
  • What is cognitive surplus?
    Increased leisure time for sharing and creativity
  • What is collective identity?
    A shared sense of belonging to a group
  • What is a colloquialism?
    An informal expression used in conversation