evaluation of caregiver interactions

Cards (4)

    • meltzoff and moore study, indicated that babies will show interactional synchrony from a few weeks old, but we do not know the true intention of behaviour exhibited by infants
    • Gratier (2003) showed similar patterns of caregiver interactions
    • But we can't be sure of what is taking place in the infants brain and if imitation is conscious or deliberate
    • weakness as we can't be certain that these infant-caregiver interactions have any significant meaning
    in short, it removes validity from meltzoff and moore, as babies actions are hard to determine intention
    • piaget found, true imitation only develops towards the end of the first year, anything before that was only response training
    • infants repeat rewarded behaviour, as they are encouraged to exhibit the same behaviour again
    • pseudo-imitation, as infant has not consciously translated what they see into a matching movement
    • piaget opposes interaction theory, as imitation is the cause (undermines)
  • trevarthen (1985)
    • supports interaction theory
    • infants tried to gain mothers attention when she wasn't responding or turned away
    • this explanation of infant-caregiver interactions is not found in all cultures
    • le vine et al (1994) found that kenyan mothers have little physical interactions / contact with infants but infants have a high proportion of secure attachments
    • research may be ethnocentric and ignores how attachments are formed within other cultures
    • reduces validity of research as all cultures should be taken into account in order to generalise as much as possible