minority influence L9

Cards (18)

  • What is the focus of the study on minority influence and behavioral style?
    Evaluation of minority influence and flexibility
  • What does Nemeth and Brilmayer's (1987) research support?
    The role of flexibility in minority influence
  • In the jury situation study, what did the confederate do to show flexibility?
    Compromised late in negotiations
  • What does the research suggest about flexibility in changing majority opinion?
    Effective only in certain circumstances
  • What characteristics do successful minorities possess?
    Consistency, commitment, and flexibility
  • How does exposure to a minority position affect decision-making, according to Nemeth (2018)?
    It leads to better decision-making
  • What happens when a minority is consistent in its arguments?
    People consider issues more carefully
  • What does the study by Van Dyne and Saavedra (1996) demonstrate about dissent in work groups?
    Improved decision-making with minority exposure
  • What did Wood et al.'s (1994) meta-analysis find about minority influence?
    Consistent minorities are particularly influential
  • What does commitment from a minority suggest to the majority?
    Certainty and confidence in their position
  • How did the findings show the influence of a consistent minority in the study?
    Naive participants said 'green' 8% of trials
  • What was the effect of an inconsistent minority in the study?
    Little influence, similar to control group
  • What was the procedure in Moscovici et al.'s (1969) study?
    Groups judged the color of blue slides
  • What did the consistent minority do during the experiment?
    Called blue slides 'green' on every trial
  • What was the result of the initial influence in the study?
    Greater impact on a private level
  • What did participants in the inconsistent condition do?
    Called slides 'blue' on most trials
  • How does the majority influence the minority?
    Establishes norms and challenges beliefs
  • How does the minority influence the majority?
    Leads to reappraisal rather than compliance