
Cards (4)

  • Dawson - he's aware of moral implications involved in revenge
    "...Hamlet is the only protagonist in any Elizabethan revenge play who can be considered a hero, aware of the moral implications involved in exacting his revenge.”
  • McClure - "King must be brought to justice"
    "The King must be brought to justice. If Hamlet is the instrument of the Divine Justice, since God operates in this world through human agencies, he is satisfied" (religious view)
  • Ryan - killing Claudius is at the price of complicity
    "Whatever personal satisfaction killing Claudius might afford him would be purchased at the price of complicity with a ruthless society that's bound to foster crimes like Claudius."
  • Brucher - revengers create their own civil justice
    "Revengers create their own civil justice, often in ways that imitate or even mock divine justice and that compromise their own moral impulses."