Anxiety is a state of emotional and physicalarousal in response to stress, involving worry, tension, increased heartrate, etc.
It can have both a positive and negative effect on eyewitnesstestimony.
How can anxiety have a negative effect on recall?
Anxiety creates physiologicalarousal in the body which prevents us paying attention to important cues, so recall is worse.
One approach to studying anxiety and eyewitness testimony is to look at the effect of the presence of a weapon which creates anxiety, leading to weapon focus, consequently reducing a witness’s recall for other details of the event.
Explain a study carried out to investigate the negative effect anxiety has on eyewitness testimony
Johnson and Scott investigated using 2 conditions: a lowanxiety condition - participants overheard a low-keydiscussion in a lab about an equipmentfailure, then a person emerged from the lab holding a pen and had grease on his hand. They also used a highanxiety condition - participants overheard a heatedexchange between people in the lab, then a man emerged from the lab holding a paperknife covered in blood.
The participants later picked out the man from a set of 50photos.
Explain the findings of a study carried out to investigate the negative effect anxiety has on eyewitness testimony
The participants later picked out the man from a set of 50photos,49% who had seen the man carrying the pen could identify him.
As for the man carrying the knife, only 33% could identify him.
The tunnel theory of memory argues that people have enhanced memory for central events - weapon focus as a result of anxiety can have this effect.
How can anxiety have a positive effect on recall?
Witnessing a stressfulevent creates anxiety through physiologicalarousal within the body.
The fight or flight response is triggered, increasing alertness.
This may improve memory for the event as we become more aware of cues in the situation.
Explain a study carried out (and findings) to investigate the positive effect anxiety has on eyewitness testimony
Yuille and Cutshall interviewed 13 witnesses to an attemptedtheft from a gun shop, during which the shopkeeper shot and killed the thief.
4months later, the witnessaccounts remained highly accurate and were not affected by misleadinginformation.
This suggests that anxiety doesn't have a detrimental effect on the accuracy of eyewitnesstestimony in a real-worldcontext and may even enhance it.
What is the Yerkes-Dodson law?
The invertedU theory - this law suggests that the relationship between anxiety and accuracy of eyewitnesstestimony is like an invertedU.
This means that mediumarousal improves accuracy of eyewitness testimony, but high arousal makes it worse.
Evaluate one strength of research on anxiety’s effect on the accuracy of recall
Evidence supporting the view that anxiety has a negative effect on the accuracy of recall: study by Valentine and Mesout (where participants had levels of anxiety recorded, & were then asked to describe a person they encountered) supports the research on weaponfocus, finding negative effects on recall.
Researchers used an objectivemeasure (heart rate) to divide participants into high & lowanxiety groups. This study shows that anxiety clearly disrupts the participants’ ability to recalldetails.
Evaluate one strength of research on anxiety’s effect on the accuracy of recall
Evidence supporting the view that anxiety can have positive effects on the accuracy of recall: Christianson and Hübinette interviewed 58 witnesses to actual bank robberies - some were directlyinvolved (bank workers) and some indirectlyinvolved (bystanders).
The researchers assumed that those directly involved would experience most anxiety - it was found that recall was more than 75% accurate across all witnesses, most accurate with the directvictims (most anxious).
Evaluate one limitation of research on anxiety’s effect on the accuracy of recall
Johnson & Scott’s study may’ve not tested anxiety - participants could’ve focused on the weapon because they were surprised rather than scared.
Pickel conducted a study in a hairsalon where someone‘d come out holding items e.g. scissors,rawchicken - eyewitnessaccuracy of participants seeing this was significantly poorer in the highunusualness conditions (chicken) —> suggests the weaponfocus effect is due to unusualness rather than anxiety, so says nothing specifically about the effects of anxiety on EWT.
Evaluate one limitation of research on anxiety’s effect on the accuracy of recall
Yuille and Cutshall’s study - researchers interviewed their participants months after the event, researchers therefore had no control over what happened to participants in the intervening time (e.g. post-eventdiscussion)
—> it’s possible that a lack of control over confoundingvariables may be responsible for these findings, invalidating their support.