Asch- variables affecting conformity

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    • aim of asch's study?
      The aim of Asch’s experiment was to research the influence of a majority group on how people conform.
    • procedure of asch's study
      • To carry out his experiment he selected 123 male undergraduate volunteers,
      • he placed each one in a group with 5-7 confederates.
      • They were asked to sit around a table and were shown a standard length line followed  by 3 other comparison lines.
      • They were asked to call out which comparison line was the same as the first one with the participant always going second to last
    • findings from asch's study
      • He found that over his 12 critical trials the conformity rate was 33%
      • he found that 75% conformed on at least one trial.
      • When he interviewed these participants they stated that they had conformed to avoid disapproval of the group.
      • However there were some individual differences as ¼ never confirmed.
    • asch changing variables
      He also changed some of the variables in his study to see what effect this would have on conformity 
      1. Group sizes- when the size reached 3 or more participants conformity levels jumped to 30%
      2. Unanimity- when all of the group gave the wrong answer the participant was also likely to give the wrong answer, Percentage of wrong answers dropped to 5.5% when someone else gave right answer
      3. Difficulty of task- people were more likely to conform if task is difficult as they look to others to make sure they are correct especially if they had a lack of self efficacy.
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