multi store model

Cards (21)

  • coding
    STM and LTM 
    • Coding is the format in which information is stored in memory.  
    • Baddeley researched into coding and the recall of acoustically similar words in the STM was worse, and in the LTM the recall of semantically words was worse. From this he concluded that the STM is coded acoustically and the LTM is coded semantically.  
  • CapacitySTM 
    • Capacity is the amount of information that can be stored in memory.  
    • Jacobs research into capacity found that the mean span for digits was 9.3 and for letters it was 7.3.  
    • Miller also researched into capacity and concluded the capacity of the STM is 7+-2 chunks.  
  • DurationSTM 
    • Duration is the length of time memory can be stored. 
    • Peterson and Peterson research found that up to 3 seconds recall of a consonant syllable and 3-digit number was 80% but after 18 seconds recall dropped to 3% showing that the duration of STM is 18 seconds.  
    • Bahrick researched into LTM and found that within 15 years of graduation recall was 90% accurate and after 48 years of graduation recall was 70%. He concluded that LTM could last a lifetime.  
  • What are the components of the multi store model?
    Sensory register, STM, LTM
  • What does the sensory register do?
    Processes all stimuli from the environment
  • How many registers does the sensory register have?
    Five registers for each sense
  • What is the coding type of the sensory register?
    Modality specific coding
  • What is the duration of the sensory register?
    Less than ½ a second
  • What happens when we pay attention to information?
    It passes from sensory register to STM
  • How is information coded in short term memory?
  • What is the duration of short term memory?
    18 seconds
  • What is the capacity of short term memory?
    7±2 chunks
  • What is maintenance rehearsal?
    Repeating information to keep it in STM
  • How can maintenance rehearsal affect STM duration?
    It can increase duration up to 30 seconds
  • What is prolonged rehearsal?
    Repeating information over a long period
  • What happens to information during prolonged rehearsal?
    It passes into long term memory
  • How is information coded in long term memory?
  • What is the duration of long term memory?
  • What is the capacity of long term memory?
  • What must happen to recall information from long term memory?
    It must pass through STM
  • What is the process called when retrieving information from LTM?