
Cards (14)

  • why?
    some diseases were clearly caused by conditions developed in the womb not microbes
  • 1900 - Mendel
    genes come in pairs - Fundamental Law of Genetics
    However, microscopes were not powerful enough to prove the theory
  • 1902- Garrod
    hereditary diseases were caused by missing chemical pathways in body
  • 1941 - Beadle and Tatum
    prove Garrod's Theory - Electro microscope invented
  • 1951 - 

    scientist thought there were substances that passed down information for parent to child
    However they could not find the substance
  • 1951 - Franklin and Wilson
    took an X-ray photo of DNA
    no one knew what the 3D structure of DNA looked like (problem)
  • 1953 - Crick and Watson
    worked out that DNA was long, double helix, which could unzip itself to make copies
    However, we don't know what each section of the DNA does
  • 1990 - Watson
    he aimed to map out the human genome (DNA structure) - Human Genome Project
  • Human Genome Project
    1st draft was in 2000, scientist had worked out how DNA makes humans
    once perfect Genome had been mapped out - Scientist could look for problems in the DNA of people suffering from Hereditary diseases (eg breast cancer - Angelini Jolie had mastectomy (breasts removed)
  • Factors that helped development of genetics

    Individuals -
    Watson +a big team of scientists
  • Factors that helped development of genetics
    Tax + attitudes in society -
    people were willing to pay higher taxes for research to continue
  • Factors that helped development of genetics
    government -
    provides funding for research
  • Factors that helped development of genetics
    science and technology -
    equipment ( eg electron microscope, laboratory's, universities)
  • Big progress in another cause of dieases