Resisting Social Influence

Cards (8)

  • (AO1) Introduce resisting social influence and its two explanations
    Psychologists have examined explanations of resistance to social influence; our willingness to resist to conform or obey, including:
    • Social influence/support
    • Locus of control
  • (AO1) Define social support
    Social support increases the likelihood of defiance and non-conformity when others are seen resisting influence.

    Seeing others disobey or not conform gives observes the confidence to do the same.

    Social support can provided through disobedient role models in obedience situations OR having an ally in conformity situations.

    This support breaks the unanimity of the group and challenges the legitimacy of authority figure, enabling resistance to social pressure.
  • (AO1) Discuss explanation of resisting social influence in realtion to Rotter (1966) - locus of control
    In some cases people can resist the pressure to conform/obey, because of their personality.

    Rotter (credit measurement of locus of control, 1966) proposed the idea of locus of control = which is the extent to which people believe they have control over their own lives.

    Ppl with an internal LOC are more likely to resist pressure to conform & less likely to obey than those with external LOC, believe in control of own circumstances, less concerned with social approval.
  • (AO1) Define external locus of control
    People with an external LOC believe their behaviour is controlled by external forces (e.g. luck, fate, authority figures).

    Makes them more likely to conform/obey as they feel have little personal control over their circumstances.
  • (AO3) S - Social support
    Point: Asch (1951) provides empirical support for social support in reducing conformity.

    Evidence: In one variation, a confederate consistently gave correct answer, breaking unanimity. Conformity dropped to 5%, showing that social support increases resistance.

    Evaluate: This supports the influence of social support in defiance and non-conformity by reducing conformity pressure and promoting independent behaviour. The presence of an ally boosts confidence, making resistance easier, reinforcing idea that social support weakens majority influence.
  • (AO3) S - Social Support - RWA
    Point: RW examples strengthen explanation of social support by illustrating its practical use.

    Evidence: Individuals who resist group pressure, such as those who stand up to bullies, rely on social support to maintain their defiance.

    Evaluate: This RW example shows that social support is not just a theoretical concept but an important factor in resisting social pressure, highlighting its role in promoting non-conformity and defiance.
  • (AO3) S - Internal LOC (Conform) - Spector
    Point: Spector supports idea that individuals with an internal locus of control are less likely to conform.

    Evidence: In a study of 157 students, Spector found that individuals with a higher internal locus of control were less likely to conform than those with a high external locus of control, but ONLY in situations of NSI, where conformity occurs to gain approval.

    Evaluate: Suggests NSI may be more influential than ISI when considering LOC, as ppl with an internal LOC are more likely to resist conformity to social pressure for approval.
  • (AO3) L - LOC & Resisting SI - Twenge
    Point: Twenge et al (2004) provides contradictory evidence against link between LOC and resistance to SI.

    Evidence: In meta-analysis, spanning over 4 decades, found that while ppl become more external in LOC, also showed increased resistance to obedience - contradicting Rotter's suggestion that internal LOC linked to higher resistance.

    Evaluate: Challenges established link between internal LOC and resistance, suggesting other factors, like societal changes, may influence resistance to SI.