Evolutionary Explanations for Partner Preferences

    Cards (17)

    • What is Sexual Selection?
      • Individuals with genes that make them attractive to the opposite sex are more likely to reproduce
      • Often this can produce features that are otherwise harmful to survival
    • What is Human Reproductive Behaviour?
      Behaviours which relate to opportunities to reproduce and thereby increase the survival changed of our genes
    • What is Anisogamy?
      Male and Female sex cells are different so investment in offspring is unequal
    • What does Anisogamy lead to?
      • Inter-sexual selection
      • Intra-sexual selection
    • What is Inter-sexual selection (Mate Choice)?
      • One sex will prefer members of the opposite sex with certain qualities
      • The chosen ones get to pass on their genes
    • Who came up with the Sexy Sons Hypothesis?
      • Fisher
    • What is the Sexy Sons Hypothesis?
      • Females mate with a male who has a desirable trait e.g. height and passes this trait to her son
      • Thereby increasing the likelihood that future generations of females will mate with their offspring
    • What is Intra-sexual Selection?
      • Members of one sex compete with each other for access to the other sex
      • The victors get to pass on their successful genes
    • What are Short-Term Mating Preferences?
      • Males are able to impregnate a large number of females over a short period of time
      • Spreading their genes as much as possible (Low investment)
      • They have evolved a greater desire for casual sex
    • What are Long-Term Mating Sequences (Women)?
      Women have a greater biological investment in their offspring, so seek males who:
      • Have resources to offer her and her children
      • Can protect her and her children
      • Show promise as a parent
    • What are Long-Term Mating Preferences (Men)?
      When men do decide to settle down, they don't want to waste their resources, so they choose females who are:
      • Young
      • Healthy
      • Attractive
      (Indicators of Fertility)
    • Strength of the Evolutionary Explanation - Supporting Research
      • David Buss
      • Carried out a survey with over 10,000 adults in 33 countries
      • Asked questions relating to age and a variety of attributes the evolutionary theory predicts should be important
      • Female respondents reported placed greater value on resource-related characteristics
      • Males placed more value on reproductive capacity in terms of good looks and being younger
    • Strength of the Evolutionary Explanation - Supporting Evidence
      • Clark and Hatfield
      • Male and female participants were sent out across a university campus
      • They approached other student telling them they thought they looked attractive and asked if they would sleep with them
      • 0% of females said yes compared to 75% of males
    • Limitation of Evolutionary Explanation:
      • Ignores Social and Cultural influences
      • Bereczkei - Due to changing positions of women (becoming more independent) their mate preferences are no longer resource oriented
    • Limitation of Evolutionary Explanation:
      • Deterministic and ignores the influence of free will
    • Limitation of Clark and Hatfield's research:
      • Low population validity
      • Only used psychology students
      • People of different ages could have yielded different results
    • Strength of David Buss' research:
      • High population validity
      • 10,000 respondents across 33 countries