A-Level French

Cards (30)

  • Avoir du mal à = to find it difficult to, to have difficulty doing
  • Compter = to include, to have (boast), to count
  • Conduire à/mener à = to lead to, result in
  • Décevoir = to disppoint
  • Défendre = to forbid, to refuse, to not allow
  • Demander = to ask
  • Dénoncer = to report, to tell on, to inform on/to denounce, to condemn
  • Déranger = to bother, to disturb, to interrupt, to upset
  • Exiger = to demand
  • Expérimenter = to experience / to experiment
  • Ignorer = to be unaware of, to know nothing about / to ignore
  • Importer = to matter, to be important / to import
  • Interpréter = to perform, to sing, to play (a role) / to interpret
  • Mettre en place, la mise en place = to implement, to put in place
  • Mettre l'accent sur/mettre en évidence = to highlight, to draw attention to
  • Nuire à / endommager = to harm / to damage
  • Passer outre = to overlook, to disregard
  • Plaindre = to pity / to sympathise with
  • Prétendre = to claim
  • Réaliser = to fulfil, to accomplish, to achieve / to carry out, to undertake
  • Remettre en cause = to question / to challenge
  • Revendiquer (une revendication) = to demand, to claim (a claim)
  • S'attendre à = to expect
  • Se plaindre de / (une plainte) = to complain about, to moan about
  • Sensibiliser = to raise awareness
  • Supporter = to bear, to put up with, to stand, to cope with
  • Un acte terroriste = an act of terrorism
  • Surpeupler (la surpopulation) / bonder = to overcrowd
  • Toucher = to affect, to concern / to touch
  • Viser à = to aim to