Halal: actions or things that are permitted within Islam.
Haram: actions or things which are forbidden within Islam.
Shari'ah: Away of life for Muslims. Shari'ah law is a set of moral and religious rules outlining the principles of the Qur'an.
Ummah: worldwide community of Muslims.
Allah has 99 names. His main qualities are omnipotent, omnibenevolent, fair and just, merciful, transcendent and immanent.
Islam is a monotheistic faith. This is shown by the concept of Tawhid and the quote of the shahada: 'there is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his messenger'.
Shirk is the sin of reducing Allah to human form.
Adalat means divinejustice.
Fitrah is the naturalinstinct all humans have from birth, to know and worship Allah.
Taqwa is having an awareness of God in every aspect of life.
a hanif is a devoutreligiousbeliever.
Prophets are messengersofAllah. The 6 main prophets are Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad.
Risalah is the divinemessage of prophethood.
Rasul is a prophet who brings scripture with their message.
a nabi is a prophet without scriptures.
Adam: He was the firstprophet. He was formed from 7 handfuls of clay - represents each continent. Adam was created as Allah's representative on earth. Adam disobeyed Allah when he was tempted by Shaytan. He asked for forgiveness on MountArafat. He built the first Ka'ba.
Isa: He brought the gospels (injil). Muslims believe he was crucified but did not ascend to heaven. Muslims believe that Jesus was just an ordinary man.
a khalil is a friend of Allah.
Ibrahim: He was a hanif and a khalil. He was a prophet. He almost sacrificed his son, but sacrificed a ram instead. He threw stones at the devil. He was required to leave his wife and son in a deserted place. He rebuilt the ka'ba.
Muhammad: He is known as the seal of the prophets. He was illiterate. He created the Hadiths. He had the Qur'an revealed to him by angel Jibril. This happened on the NightofPower.
angels: The word for angels is Malaikah. Angels are made from light. They have no freewill. They are created sinless. They have no form. They appear during times of crisis.
Barzakh is a place of waiting between our world and the afterlife.
Iblis: He is a jinn. He is mortal. He has freewill. He refused to bow to Adam and was punished. He tries to get revenge on Allah by leading humans away from him.
Jinn are spiritualbeings. They are made from fire. They are mortal. They have freewill. They help the devil by tricking people.
Raqib and Atid make up the KiramanKatibin. This means honourablescribes.
Raquib sits on your rightshoulder and records your good deeds. Atid sits on your leftshoulder and records your bad deeds.
Jibril: He is an archangel. He revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad. He is the angel of revelation.
Israfil: He is an archangel. He blows a trumpet to announce the day of resurrection.
Mika'il: He is an archangel. He brings the seasons, rain, wind and thunder. He sustains all life. He is responsible for the laws of nature. He also protects the souls of the faithful and keeps Shaytan out of heaven.
Muslims believe that life is a test. This is shown the quote 'Allah does not charge a soul with more than it can bear'. When Muslims die, they go to Barzakh and are questioned by the angels Munkar and Makir. Then, they will either go to Jannah or Jahannam.
Niyyah means intentions.
When a Muslim dies, they are buried (non-dualist). They are buried in a whitecloth (Ihram). They are buried facing Mecca. The soul is then taken to Barzakh. It is questioned by 2 angels.
predestination: Sunni Muslims believe in Al-qadr, and Shia Muslims believe in Bada. Predestination is supported by the quote 'he knows what is within the heavens and earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare'.
Bada is the the belief that Allah knows the end result but not how you get there.
Al-qadr is the belief that Allah knows everything and that everything is predestined. This is because it is all written down on the preservedtablet.
Jannah (heaven): It is believed to be a place of paradise. There are 7 levels. Prophets and the righteous live at the highest level. A quote that refers to Jannah is 'for these will be the ones brought nearest to God in GardensofBliss'.
Jahannam (Hell): This is a place of punishment for sinners. There are 7 levels. The gates of hell are monitored by angels. Muslims who have sinned are in the lowest level which is a fire.Hypocrites who pretend to be faithful are in the highest level which is a bottomless abyss.
The six articles of Sunni Islam are: Tawhid, angels, holybooks, prophets, the afterlife, and Al-qadr.
The five roots of Shia Islam are: AlTawhid, Aladl (justice), Al-nubuwah (prophets), Al-imamah (imamate), and Al-ma'ad (resurrection).