
    Cards (17)

    • When did Max Weber publish The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism?
    • What was the focus of Weber's study in his work?
      Religion as an engine of social change
    • What religious movement did Weber focus on in his study?
    • What were the two features of Calvinism identified by Weber?
      Ascetism and predestination
    • What does ascetism promote according to Weber?
      Self-denial and an austere life
    • How does ascetism relate to capitalism?
      It encourages reinvestment of earnings
    • What is the concept of predestination in Calvinism?
      Fate is decided before birth
    • What psychological effect did predestination have on Calvinists?
      It caused anxiety and salvation panic
    • How did Calvinists interpret success in their work?
      As a sign of being among the elect
    • What did Calvinists do with their earnings instead of spending on luxuries?
      They reinvested the money into businesses
    • What is the relationship between ascetism, calling, and capitalism according to Weber?
      • Ascetism promotes self-denial
      • Encourages making oneself useful
      • Leads to success in business
      • Profits are reinvested, fueling capitalism
    • Did Weber believe Calvinism was the only factor in capitalism's development?
      No, he acknowledged other factors existed
    • What did critics say about Weber's view on capitalism and religion?
      It was a debate with Marx's ideas
    • What did Eisenstadt argue against Weber's theory?
      Capitalism existed without Calvinism
    • What was R.H. Tawney's conclusion about capitalism and Protestantism?
      Capitalism helped create Protestantism
    • What did critics point out about Calvinism and capitalism in Scotland?
      Calvinism was strong but capitalism was weak
    • What aspect of Weber's understanding has been questioned?
      His understanding of Calvinism and religions