War is fightingbetweennationstoresolve issuesbetweenthem.
Peace is anabsenceofconflict, whichleadstohappinessandharmony.
Justice is bringingaboutwhat is rightandfair, accordingtothelawormakingupforawrongthathasbeencommitted.
Forgiveness is showinggraceandmercyandpardoningsomeone for what they havedonewrong.
Reconciliation is a sacrament in the Catholic Church; also, when individuals or groups restore friendly relations after conflict or disagreement.
Protest is an expression of disapproval, often in a public group.
Violence is using actions that threaten or harm others.
Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence, usually against innocent civilians, to achieve a political goal.
Greed is selfish desire for something.
Self-defence is acting to prevent harm to yourself or others.
Retaliation is deliberately harming someone as a response to them harming you.
Nuclear weapons are weapons that work by anuclear reaction; theydevastate huge areasandkill large numbersofpeople.
Weapons of Mass Destruction are weapons that can kill large numbers of people and/or cause great damage.
Chemical weapons are weapons that usechemicaltopoison, burnorparalysehumansanddestroythenatural environment.
Biological weapons are weapons that havelivingorganismsorinfectivematerialthatcanleadtodiseaseordeath.
Just War is awarwhichmeetsinternationally acceptedcriteria for fairness; followstraditional Christian rulesfor a just war, and is nowacceptedby all otherreligions.
Jihad is thepersonal struggleofeachMuslimagainstevilastheytrytofollowthewayofAllah.
Lesser Jihad is theoutward struggletodefendone’sfaith, familyandcountryfromthreat.
Holy War is fighting for areligious causeorGod, probablycontrolledbyareligious leader.
Pacifism is the belief of people who refuse to take part in war and any other form of violence.
Peacemaker is a person who works to establish peace in the world or in a certain part of it.
Peacemaking is the action of trying toestablish peace.