
Cards (57)

  • syphilis is an
    infectious venereal disease cuased by sprochette Treponema pallidum
  • syphillis transmission
    sexual contact w infected lesions*
    mother to fetus in utero
    breaks in skin in contact with infected lesions
  • syphilis patho
    rapidly penetrates intact mucous membranes -> enter lymphatics -> systemic inf
  • incubation time to primary chancre
    3 wks
  • is CNS invaded in syphillis
    yes, early -> 30%+ pts have abnormal CSF findings
  • untreated primary infection of syphillis leads to
    meningovascular neurosyphilis and ultimately parenchymatous neurosyphilis
  • histo hallmark of syphillis
    endarteritis and plasma cell rich infiltrate (attacks RBC)
  • syphillitic infiltrate consistent with
    delayed type hypersensitivity response to T pallidum
  • tertiary syphillis response
    gummatous ulcerations and necrosis
  • antigens of T pallidum induce
    host productuon of trepnonemal antibodies
  • t/f immunity to syphhilis is incomplete
  • syphillis stages
    primary -> painless chancre at site of trasmission (flask shape)
    secondary -> 4-10 wks after, spread throughout body, systemic sxs, rash hands and feet, condylmoata lata, contagious
    tertiary -> yrs, slow inflammatory response
  • t/f primary chancre heals with or without treatment
    true, resolve in 3-12 wks
  • condylomata lata
    painless, highly infectious, grey-white lesions that develop in warm moist areas (secondary syph)
  • Latent syph
    secondary syph resolved, but pts seropositive -> 1/3 go on to develop tertiary
  • tertitary syph MC sequlae
    CV syph (80-85%)
  • syphillitic meningitis
    w/in 6mo of primary inf
    • menigicovascular syph
    • tabes dorsalis -> wide based gait
    • dorsal root disruption -> loss of pain and temp sensation
    • general paresis with cortical damage to brain, mimics dementia
    • argyll-robertson pupil - pupil that does not react to light but constricts
  • CV syph occurs at least ____ after primary inf
    10 years
  • MC CV syph formation is
    aneurysm formation in the ascedning aorta
  • Congenital syph
    causes high rate of spontanous abortion and still births
    by 2yo-> sxs similar to severe secondary syph and widespread condylomata lata and rash
    "saddle nose"
    "saber shins"
    "hutchinson teeth"
  • syph dx
    serology -> VDRL, RPR, Treponema IgG (screen)
    dark field uncommon
  • syph tx
    primary -> Benzathine pencillin 2.4 IM (thick suspension), doxy if allergic
    Latent -> Benzathine pencillin 2.4 IM, weekly x3
    Nuero/ocular syph -> Pen G IV 10-14 days
  • Jarisch-Herxheimer rxn
    syph tx -> cause spirochete death -> release inflmmatory molecules -> trigger cytokine response
    starts few hours after initial tx for 24 hrs
    tx sxs
  • RMSF caused by
    rickettsia rickettsia
  • rickettsia rickettsia is
    MC rickettsial infection
  • RMSF endemic to
    southeastern and south central US
  • RMSF transmitted by
    dog tick
  • tick season
  • RMSF patho
    tick needs to be attached to host for 6-10 hrs to be infected
  • R rickketsi has tropism for
    endothelial cells that line BV -> vascular permeability -> thrombi form
  • RMSF commonly reffered to as
    " great imitator"
  • hallmark of RMSF
    petechial rash beginning at palms and soles
  • high suspicion for RMSF if
    • febrile
    • hx tick expo
    • travel to endemic area
    • seasonal
    considers if unexplained febrile and no hx of tick bite (70% of people dont know they have been bit)
  • tick borne illness labs
    thrombocytopenia -> can lead to DIC
    increase LFTs
    decrease WBC
  • RMSF dx
    blood culture (uncommon)
    lumbar puncture for concern for meningitisy
  • RMSF tx
    1. doxy (even young kids)
    2. pregnant -> chloreamphenicol
  • Lyme caused by
    borrelia burgdoferi
  • lyme disease is
    MC tick borne disease in north america and europe
  • lyme endemic
    northeast and upper midwest
  • lyme reservoir