argues heterosexual are under pressure cuz of 'gender scripts', different types of domestic tasks.
lesbian couples more symmetrical relations, absence of 'gender scripts' (norms for different gender roles).
37 lesbians with dependent child - described as equal, shared housework/childcare.
Dunne's (1999) - sociologists views:
supports Radical feminists view on relationships of heterosexual being patriarchal.
Weeks (1999) + Smart (2007), same-sex offer greater opportunities of equality cuz division of labour open for negotiation.
Dunne's (1999) - Evaluation (A03):
however, found one partner did much more paid work. suggests paid work still affects division of labour.
Cultural explanation for division of labour:
division of labour is determined by patriarchal norms/values in our culture. society expects women to perform domestic labour, socialised into norms at young age.
Ex, Parsons' instrumental and expressive roles.
Material explanation for division of labour:
women earn less money than men's means more economically beneficial for them to do the childcare/housework while the man the 'breadwinner' brings large proportions of money.
Evaluation on explanations for division of labour:
I agree with cultural explanation because in modern times women have gained more career opportunities due to decrease in stigma in divorce/marrying at a later age. Therefore, women will gain equal amounts of pay due to equality act (1970) and discrimination act (1975).