Bilateral monopoly: Market in which there is a single seller and a single buyer.
Human capital: The economic value of an individual's skills, experience, training, etc.
Marginal productivity theory: Theory stating demand for labour is derived from MRP.
Marginal physical product (MPP): Additional output each unit of labour can produce.
Monopsony power: The ability to set prices based on bargaining power.
Negative discrimination: When employers undervalue the marginal revenue productivity of a worker.
Trade union: Organisation within or outside a firm campaigning for therights of the workers.
Positive discrimination: When employers overvalue the marginal revenue productivity of a worker.
Wage differentials: Differences in wages of different groups of workers, or workers in the same occupation.
Wage discrimination: Paying an employee lower wages because of their race, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation or some other ‘protected characteristic’.