Cards (6)

  • AO1
    It has been found that LTM exists in two different forms procedural memories which are knowing how to do things like riding a bike these memories eventually become automatic through repetition these memorys are implicit whereas declarative memories which are the knowledge of information. Declarative memories can be divided into semantic memories which are factual information like the curency of England is pounds.
  • paragraph 2
    These can begin as episodic memory's as we learn through experience. Episodic memories are another type of declarative memory but is to do with personal memories of events like a family holiday these memory's consist of specific details, emotions and the context
  • strength: practical application
    there's practical application in being able to differentiate different types of LTM. Belleville et al notes that mild cognitive impairments are more likely to effect episodic memory and so an increased understanding of episodic memory and the other types is important as in could lead to targeted treatments for mil cognitive impairments
  • strength: case study support 

    The cases of HM and Clive wearing both suffered brain damage which affected their episodic memories but left other parts of their LTM unaffected. For example Clive wearing was able to play the piano and understand the concept of music which shows that his procedural and semantic memory remained un effective but he couldn't remember his wife after five minutes of seeing her. This shows that different areas of the brain are responsible for the different types of LTM and further proves that they are different stores
  • strength: evidence from brain scans
    shows differences between the 3 types of LTM is supported by brain scaning research. Episodic memory is associated with the hippocampus and other parts of the temporal lobe. Semantic memory also relies on the temporal lobe. Procedural memory activation is associated with the cerebellum, the basal ganglia and limbic system are also involved in this kind of learning. Therefore shows that the 3 types of memory are found in different parts of the brains and so are separate.
  • weakness :problems with case studies
    like the case of HM is that is that damage to a particular area to the brain does not make it responsible for a behaviour it may be acting as a relay system so damaging that would damage performance. Also case studies are not generalisable the case study of HM may not be representative of the type of LTM for everyone.
    This means that we can't establish a causal relationship between a particular brain region and type of LTM.