The bourgeoisie own the means of production so are in a highly powerful economic position to exploit the proletariat, who can only sell their labour.
The workers create wealth through their hard work but the profits are seized by employers
Inequality is caused through the exploitation and stealing of the surplus value.
Weber critiques Marx for oversimplifying the differences between workers through the twoclassmodel- ignores the fundamental differences between workers based on status, power, and market situation.
Gramsci - Neo Marxist
Hard for the proletariat to become class conscious because the superstructure, such as schools, media, and religion, are controlled by the bourgeoisie to teach dominant ideology which leads to hegemony.
People have false class consciousness which leads to blaming themselves for their lack of power rather than the system that creates inequality.
Functionalists such as Parsons criticise Gramsci's idea, arguing that the system is not about hegemonic control, but rather valueconsensus. Media projects the views of the majority of society.
Postmodernists criticise Gramsci's idea as individual choice is much more important now than rigid class differences.
Castles and Kossack - Marxist
Reserve army of labour weakens the bargaining position of workers.
Capitalism needs unemployment to maintain power.
The divide and rule strategy means that by pitching them against each other, they cannot strike and demand higher wages
Jones- Marxist
Media divides the 'deserving' and 'undeserving' poor by stereotyping people on benefits and low income.
It demonises the working class, such as the word 'chav'.
Davis and Moore reject Castles and Kossack's idea of blaming structural forces, the working class are responsible for their own poverty because of their lack of motivation or skills.
Feminists criticise Castles and Kossack's theory as it sees the reserve army of labour as ungendered, when women are more likely to occupy the position. Marxixts believe this is them dividing classes which is what capitalism wants.
Bourdieu - Marxist
Inequality is due to the unfair distribution of cultural capital, which the rich use to maintain their privilege.
Bernstein - Marxist
Middle class speak in elaborated code, in contrast to the working class who use restricted code. This means that they are more likely to relate to one another and get better service.
Gillies- Marxist
Middle class parents use their cultural capital to benefit their children, such as knowing how to communicate with teachers.
Marxist-feminists such as Freedman argue that Bourdieu places too much emphasis on cultural capital and fail to see how women are exploited, often working in the triple shift.