
Cards (6)

  • The Jewish sacred text comprising of three sections. There is the Torah - Book of Laws, the Nevi'im - Book of Prophets, and the Ketivum - Book of Writings.
  • Torah - Includes the 613 mitzvot Jews must follow. Torah means law and contains the duties Jews must observe. Direct word of God. History of Jewish people
  • Nevi'im - By prophets who were inspired by God. Stories about kings and their reigns. Teachings on how to live life as a Jew. How to worship God properly.
  • Ketuvim - By wise men. Explains why things happen. Provides guidance on living a good life.
  • Orthodox Jews regard the Torah as the central revelation from God given to Moses on Mount Sinai in it's final form. Relevant to life today
  • Reform Jews think that the Torah was written by humans over a long period of time, based on their experiences with God and other human beings