The Jewish sacred text comprising of three sections. There is the Torah - Book of Laws, the Nevi'im - Book of Prophets, and the Ketivum - Book of Writings.
Torah - Includes the 613 mitzvot Jews must follow. Torah means law and contains the duties Jews must observe. Direct word of God. History of Jewish people
Nevi'im - By prophets who were inspired by God. Stories about kings and their reigns. Teachings on how to live life as a Jew. How to worship God properly.
Ketuvim - By wise men. Explains why things happen. Provides guidance on living a good life.
Orthodox Jews regard the Torah as the central revelation from God given to Moses on Mount Sinai in it's final form. Relevant to life today
Reform Jews think that the Torah was written by humans over a long period of time, based on their experiences with God and other human beings