Cards (11)

    • Aim?
      -Van Ijzendoorn aimed to investigate cross cultural attachment types through a meta analysis of research that had studied attachments in other cultures
    • The meta analysis
      -compared the findings of 32 studies from 8 countries that had used the Strange Situation to measure attachment
    • What was the USA secure attachment percentage
    • What was Germany's avoidant attachment percentage
    • What was Israel resistant attachment percentage
    • What was Japan's resistant attachment percentage
    • What attachment was most common
    • What attachment was least common
      Insecure resistant
    • There was a GREATER variation of attachment type...
      -within cultures rather than between
    • Simonella (2014) looked at
      -76 12 month old infants using the strange situation and found 50% were securely attached and 26% avoidant
      -he found a lower secure attachment than previously suggested that this was because mothers worked more long hours and used childcare
    • Define metanalysis
      -researchers combine the findings from multiple studies to draw an overall conclusion