Cards (5)

    • What is a weakness(contradiction of monotropy)
      -he stated the infant forms a monotropic relationship
      -research conducted by s & e found that an infant forms multiple attachments around the age of 11 months to secondary attachment figures (siblings grandparents) not just one caregiver
      -contradicts theory
    • What is a strength(better child rearing practices)
      -impact on understanding on how attachments are formed and potential damage caused if these bonds are disrupted
      -many child rearing practices have been changed as a result such as children in long term care can have parents stay with them
      -real world application
    • What is a weakness?(only focuses on mother)
      -Burnam (1994) argues that this theory places heavy burden on relationship with mother and disregards role of father
      -this sets up mother to take blame for anything that goes wrong in the childs life
    • What is a weakness?(contradiction to affectionless psychopathy)
      -He stated that if a child does not form a close relationship within the first 3 years of life the child would never and become an affectionless psychopath
      -Research by Hodges and Tizard (1989) found that close relationships and attachments could still be formed later in life and early deprivation could be reversed
      -contradicts theory
    • What is a strength(support from animal studies)
      -Studies supporting Bowlby's monotropic theory include animal studies
      -Lorenz (1935) found that gosling geese formed attachments to the first moving thing that they saw after hatching, which suggests that attachment is an innate process
      -This supports Bowlby's idea that attachment has developed as an evolutionary process to aid survival