Psychological explanations: psychodynamic

Cards (24)

  • What are the three components of Freud's tripartite structure of personality?
    Id, Ego, Superego
  • When is the Superego formed according to Freud?
    At the end of the phallic stage
  • What principle does the Superego operate on?
    Morality principle
  • How does the Superego influence the Ego?
    By punishing with guilt or rewarding with pride
  • What happens if the Superego is inadequate according to Ronald Blackburn?
    Offending behaviour is inevitable
  • What are the three types of inadequate Superego proposed by Blackburn?
    1. Weak Superego
    2. Deviant Superego
    3. Over-harsh Superego
  • What characterizes a weak Superego?
    Absence of same-sex parent during phallic stage
  • What is the consequence of a deviant Superego?
    Internalizes immoral or deviant values
  • How does an over-harsh Superego affect a child?
    Cripples them with guilt and anxiety
  • What role do primitive emotional demands play in moral behaviour?
    They guide moral behaviour when Superego is inadequate
  • Who developed the theory of maternal deprivation?
    John Bowlby
  • What is the main argument of Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation?
    Warm relationship with mother is essential
  • What personality type develops from maternal deprivation?
    Affectionless psychopathy
  • What are the characteristics of affectionless psychopathy?
    Lack of guilt, empathy, and feeling for others
  • How many juvenile thieves did Bowlby study?
    44 juvenile thieves
  • What did Bowlby find about the juvenile thieves with affectionless psychopathy?
    12 had prolonged separation from mothers
  • What does research by Miroslav Goreta support?
    The link between offending and the Superego
  • What did Goreta diagnose in offenders?
    Disturbances in Superego formation
  • What is a counterpoint to the inadequate Superego theory?
    Punitive parents raise rebellious children
  • What is a limitation of Freudian theory regarding gender?
    It is gender-biased
  • What did Martin Hoffman find regarding gender differences?
    Little evidence of gender differences in morality
  • What is a limitation of Bowlby's theory according to Hilda Lewis?
    Maternal deprivation is a poor predictor of offending
  • What does Lewis suggest about the relationship between maternal deprivation and offending?
    It may not be a causal relationship
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the psychodynamic approach to offending?
    • Research support for Superego link to offending
    • Insights into emotional factors in behaviour

    • Gender bias in Superego development
    • Maternal deprivation not a strong predictor