
Cards (13)

  • Purposes of budgets
    1. Planning
    2. Forecasting
    3. Communication
    4. Motivation
  • Planning
    • To help them plan for any expenses in the year e.g Tax
    • For small business it can help identify where and when they may run into finance problem
    • Business budget runs on a monthly basis with regular review to help planning
  • Forecasting
    • Sales/revenue forecast are typically combination the business sales history and how effective they expect their future trading to be
    • They can prepare projected profits for the next 12 months
    • To analyse their margins and other key ratios such as their return of investment
  • Communication
    • To communicate their objectives of the business in a financial plan
    • Require department to report back on progress on a regular basis to their spending and income can be monitored
  • Motivation
    • Motivate staff to be more careful with the finances
    • If staff are involved in the setting of budgets they are more likely to cautious when spending company money on items like stationery
    • If the budget is tied to perks and benefits of the business the employees are much more likely to keep their costs in line with the budgeted amounts
  • Zero based 

    budget is based on a prediction of performance usually for a start up
  • Historical figure
    budget is based on previous performance of sales and costs
  • Variance analysis is the difference between the budgeted and the actual figure
  • Budget is a financial plan used to estimate the business income or expenditure for a set period of time
  • Two types of variance
    • Favourable variance - underspent
    • Adverse - overspent
  • Difficulties of budgeting
    • Often fixed for a year and as such can be inflexible. This can be difficult when a business is in a dynamic market
    • Tendency for managers to spend up to the limited
    • Time consuming to prepare monitor and control
    • Unrealistic budgets can be demotivating
  • Limitation of budgeting
    • Cause inter-departmental rivalry as some departments get more money than others
    • Can make managers short term and short sighted, they become budget driven rather than customer driven
    • In some industries it's difficult to plan ahead because of large unplanned charges.
  • Adverse (bad) - overspent
    Favourable (good) - underspent