Definitions of abnormality

Cards (17)

  • What is statistical infrequency?
    When an individual has a less common characteristic e.g. less intelligent than the rest of the population
  • Example: intellectual disability disorder
    Average IQ = 100
    If someone has 70 or less they are classed as abnormal and are able to get diagnosed for IDD
  • Advantages of statistical
    • Real-life application - used in clinical practice
    • Some benefit from being abnormal because they may access support services
  • Disadvantages of statistical
    • Infrequent characteristics = positive/negative --> being at the end of the spectrum doesn't necessarily make you abnormal
    • Cultural relativism - what is considered normal varies in diff cultures
    • definitions of norm change
    • some don't benefit from the label abnormal due to social stigma
  • What is failure to function adequately?
    When an individual is unable to meet the basic demands of everyday life e.g. lack of hygiene, can't hold down a job
  • What did Seligman and Rosenhan (1989) propose?
    Proposed signs of failure to function
  • What are the signs of failure to function adequately?
    1. Individual no longer conforms to standard interpersonal rules
    2. They experience severe personal distress
    3. Their behaviour becomes irrational and dangerous to themselves
  • Advantages of failure to function
    • The criteria poses a good threshold for when someone should go seek professional help
  • Disadvantages of failure to function
    • Difficult to distinguish from when certain lifestyles are by choice or actual failure to function
    • Value judgement - it's easy to label non-standard life choices but may not always be failure to function
    • Not everyone w/ mental disorders are aware of it - label is unfair
    • Failure to function can be a normal reaction to certain situations
  • What is deviation from social norms?
    Behaviour that is different from the accepted standards of behaviour in a community or society
  • Example: homosexuality
    Used to be in the DSM-3 as ego-dystonic homosexuality
  • Advantages of deviation from social norms
    • Useful - it is used in clinical practice to identify disorders
  • Disadvantages of deviation from social norms
    • Cultural relativism - norms vary in different situations/cultures so it is difficult to judge what is normal/what isn't
  • What is deviation from ideal mental health?
    When individual doesn't meet criteria for good mental health
  • What is Jahoda's (1958) criteria for good mental health?
    1. No symptoms of distress
    2. Rational, and can perceive ourselves accurately
    3. Can self -actualise
    4. Can cope with stress
    5. Have a realistic view of the world
    6. Good self-esteem
    7. Independent of other people
    8. Can successfully work and enjoy leisure
  • Advantages of deviation from ideal mental health
    • Good criteria to work towards is practical for those wanting to improve their mental health
    • Comprehensive criteria that is easy to understand to help distinguish from good mental health and mental disorder for us/professionals
  • Disadvantages of deviation from ideal mental health
    • Not everyone achieves Jahoda's criteria = may seem impossible and is disheartening
    • Criteria is vague as self-esteem is immeasurable
    • Culture bound = criteria is set in context of US/Europe
    • Individual differences - some people lack certain characteristics but it's unclear whether they can be classed as abnormal