Social Learning Theory

Cards (6)

  • SLT = considers both cognitive and environmental factors; aggressive behaviour learnt through rewards & consequences
  • Bandura (1965) - Bobo doll experiment, children observed an adult acting aggressively towards the doll or passively playing with it.
  • Self-efficacy = the extent to which we believe our actions will achieve a desired outcome
  • Bandura et al (1961)
    • Aim = influence of behaviour on children
    • Method = young children observed an aggressive or non-aggressive role models & then were allowed to play with a Bobo doll & a selection of aggressive/non-aggressive toys
    • Results = most children imitated behaviour they observed by the role model
    • Conclusion = children imitate modeled behaviour
  • Strength of SLT as an explanation for Aggression
    • Practical Value = reduce aggression by rewarding non-aggressive role models
    • Research Support = Poulin & Boivin (2000); behaviour mutually reinforced by modelling; reward = 'gang' approval
  • Weakness of SLT for Aggression
    • Weak explanation = Boivin and Poulin (2000); does not explain reactive aggression; RA = unpredictble, more negative
    • Biological Influences = neural, evolutionary, ethological, genetic, hormonal explanations