All living organisms are made of cells, which are of several different types, some sharing common features.
Humans are made up of eukaryotic cells.
All eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
A more detailed structure of cells, called the ultrastructure, can be obtained by using a microscope.
The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane called the envelope containing pores which enable molecules to enter and leave the nucleus.
The nucleus also contains chromatin and a nucleolus which is the site of ribosome production.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum is a series of flattened sacs enclosed by a membrane with ribosomes on the surface.
RER folds and processes proteins made on the ribosomes.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is a system of membrane-bound sacs.
Golgi apparatus is a series of fluid-filled, flattened & curved sacs with vesicles surrounding the edges.
Golgi apparatus processes and packages proteins and lipids.
Golgi apparatus also produces lysosomes.
The cytoskeleton of the cell plays an important role in providing mechanical strength as well as aiding transport within cells and enabling cell movement.
Proteins are produced on the ribosomes.
Proteins which are produced on the surface of RER are folded and processed in the RER.
The proteins are then transported from the RER to the Golgi apparatus in vesicles.
They are then modified in the Golgi apparatus.
Golgi apparatus packages proteins into vesicles to be transported around the cells where they’re required.
Some of the proteins such as extracellular enzymes leave the cell by exocytosis.
Cell wall in prokaryotic cells is a rigid outer covering made of peptidoglycan.
Capsule in prokaryotic cells is a protective slimy layer which helps the cell to retain moisture and adhere to surfaces.
Plasmid in prokaryotic cells is a circular piece of DNA.
Flagellum in prokaryotic cells is a tail-like structure which rotates to move the cell.
Pili in prokaryotic cells are hair-like structures whichattach to other bacterial cells.
Ribosomes in prokaryotic cells are the site of protein production.