EWT: Anxiety

Cards (2)

  • Anxiety is the body's physiological response to stress, shown by an increased heart rate, increased sweat production etc. Anxiety can have either a positive or negative effect on the accuracy of EWT. Johnson and Scott (1976) demonstrated that anxiety has a negative effect on the accuracy of EWT. When asked to identify the man, participants in the high-anxiety condition experienced 16% lower rates of accurate recall, compared to the low anxiety condition . This may be explained by the tunnel theory of memory and the weapon focus effect, where our attention is drawn towards the weapon
  • paragraph 2
    the positive effects of EWT was demonstrated by the Yerks Dodson law which states that memory improves with anxiety at an optimum point and then decreases when anxiety increase. this means that small amounts of anxiety may increace the accuracy of memory but a high level may interfere with accuracy