institutional aggression in prisons

Cards (16)

  • What is the focus of the deprivation model in institutional aggression?
    It emphasizes the impact of prison conditions
  • What do Irwin and Casey (1962) claim about inmates?
    Inmates bring their cultural belief systems to prison
  • How do inmates cope with deprivation in prison?
    By withdrawing or using violence
  • What is the significance of the 'code of the street' in prison violence?
    It defines behavior and survival strategies
  • What did Kimmet and Martin (2002) find about gang membership in prisons?
    Most violent situations relate to gang membership
  • How does prior gang membership affect aggression in prison?
    It increases the likelihood of committing assaults
  • What do Cooke et al. (2008) argue about violent prisoners?
    They are violent only in certain circumstances
  • What individual characteristics are linked to aggressive behavior in prison?
    Anger, anti-social personality, impulsivity
  • What did Mears et al. conclude about the 'code of the street' in prisons?
    It is linked to increased violence among inmates
  • How does low self-control relate to aggressive behavior in prison?
    It predisposes inmates to aggressive actions
  • What environmental factors contribute to institutional aggression?
    Overcrowding, high temperatures, noise
  • What evidence challenges the importation model of aggression?
    Delisi et al. (2004) found environmental factors significant
  • What did Griffitt and Veich (1971) find about temperature and population density?
    They produced negative emotions among inmates
  • What are the three individual characteristics linked to aggression according to Wang and Diamond (1999)?
    Anger, anti-social personality, impulsivity
  • How does overcrowding affect aggression in prisons?
    It increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior
  • What is the relationship between pre-prison gang membership and prison violence?
    Pre-prison gang membership predicts prison violence