Cognitive approach to explaining/treatment for depression

Cards (25)

  • What did Aaron Beck suggest about explaining depression?
    Suggested there's a cognitive explanation for why some people are more vulnerable to depression than others, and he suggested three
    parts to this cognitive vulnerability
  • Three parts Beck said are part of cognitive vulnerability to depression
    Faulty information processing
    Negative self-schema
    Negative triad
  • What is faulty info processing
    Depressed people attend to negative aspects of a situation and ignore the positive aspects, they tend towards 'black and white thinking'
  • What is negative self-schema?
    Schema is a pack of ideas developed w/ experience and having a negative self-schema is when tThey interpret all info about themselves in a negative way; a
  • What is the negative triad?
    Three types of negative thinking that contribute to becoming depressed - negative view of the world, future, and self allowing them to be more vulnerable to depression
  • Advantages of Beck's cognitive model
    • Good research support - Clark and Beck (1999) concluded that these cognitive vulnerabilities were more common in depressed people and they preceded depression
    • Practical application to CBT - Beck's cognitive model forms the basis of CBT and all cognitive aspects of depression are challenged in CBT
  • What are the disadvantages of Beck's cognitive model
    • Doesn't explain all aspects of depression - only explains basic symptoms
  • What did Albert Ellis assume
    • Good mental health is a result of rational thinking
    • Anxiety and depression result from rational thoughts
    • Irrational thoughts are any thoughts that interfere with us being happy, free from pain
    • Used ABC model to explain how irrational thoughts affect our behaviour and emotional state
  • What is the ABC model
    An Activating external event triggers Beliefs which are irrational and these produce Consequences i.e. emotional/behavioural response
  • What are the irrational beliefs that Ellis identified?
    Musturbation - the irrational belief that we must achieve perfection/always succeed
    I-can't-stand-it-its = the irrational belief that it is a disaster whenever something doesn't go our way
    Utopianism = belief that life is always meant to be fair
  • Advantages of Ellis' ABC model
    • Practical application in CBT - identifies irrational beliefs which are challenged in therapy
    • Real world application in treatment - evidence from David et al (2018) that Ellis' cognitive approach to depression REBT changes negative beliefs (B in ABC)
  • Disadvantages of ABC model
    • Offers only a partial explanation because only some depression occurs due to activating external event
    • Doesn't explain all aspects of depression - fails to explain anger or hallucinations associated with depression
    • Ethical issues - model locates responsibility for depression which is blaming the depressed person (unfair)
  • What is CBT in treating depression
    Psychological therapy that combines behavioural and cognitive approaches to change irrational thoughts to optimistic, rational thoughts
  • What is Beck's cognitive therapy in treating depression
    Aims to identify and then challenge the negative triad
    Also tests the reality of their irrational beliefs - 'client as scientist'
  • Advantages of CBT in treating depression
    • Client is actively involved in recovery so they learn new skills to use in diff situations
    • CBT isn't physically invasive
    • Evidence for effectiveness - CBT works best when combined with antidepressants as March et al 2007 compared CBT on its own to drugs to combo of both and combo was most effective
  • What is a disadvantage of CBT in treating depression regarding client behavior?
    Clients can become too dependent on their therapist
  • Why might CBT be ineffective for some individuals?
    It isn't effective for those with rigid attitudes
  • How does high stress impact the effectiveness of CBT?
    CBT is not effective for those with high stress
  • What is a characteristic of the CBT treatment process?
    It is a long process rather than a quick fix
  • Why might CBT be ineffective for severe clients?
    It requires complex thinking unsuitable for them
  • What is a concern regarding the long-term effectiveness of CBT?
    High relapse rates due to benefit duration concerns
  • What might be necessary due to the high relapse rates associated with CBT?
    CBT may have to be repeated periodically
  • What is Ellis' Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in treating depression
    REBT extends the ABC model to abcDE model
    D = dispute irrational thoughts which produces
    empirical argument = disputing whether there is actual evidence to support the irrational belief
    logical argument = disputing whether neg thought logically follows from facts
    E - effect i.e. irrational belief changed to rational
  • What is behavioural activation in treating depression?
    Work with depressed people to decrease avoidance/isolation and increase their engagement in activities that are shown to improve mood e.g. exercising
  • Implications for the economy for depression
    • Finding effective treatment for any disorder = less days off sick --> improved productivity
    • CBT is more efficient long term because it increases productivity so economy goes up despite being more expensive than drug therapy