
Cards (27)

  • How is religious belief and practice changing in society today?
    It is evolving due to societal developments.
  • What does increased religious diversity in society encourage?
    Greater involvement in religion.
  • What do the arguments against secularization suggest?
    Secularization may not be occurring significantly.
  • What characterizes the transition from modernity to postmodernity?
    • Loss of confidence in meta-narratives
    • Shift from grand theories to individual beliefs
  • Who sees postmodern society as characterized by loss of confidence in meta-narratives?
    Lyotard (1984)
  • What are some key features of postmodern society according to Lyon?
    Individualism, consumerism, media, globalisation.
  • What concept does Grace Davie introduce regarding belief in religion?
    Believing without belonging.
  • How does Davie describe the trend of 'vicarious religion'?

    Practiced by a minority for the majority.
  • What does the census data show about Christians in relation to church attendance?
    72% identify as Christians, lower attendance.
  • What does Davie argue about the church's role in society?
    It provides ritual support when needed.
  • How does Davie critique secularization theory?
    It assumes uniform decline of religion.
  • What do Voas and Crockett (2005) argue against Davie's claims?
    Both church attendance and belief are declining.
  • What does Bruce (2001) suggest about church attendance and belief?
    Declining attendance reflects declining belief.
  • What did Abby Day (2007) find about the term 'Christian' among interviewees?
    Used to denote ethnic identity, not faith.
  • How has the Anglican Church responded to views on homosexuality?
    Adopted a 'wait and see' attitude.
  • What does 'spiritual shopping' refer to in Davie's argument?
    Personal choice in religious consumption.
  • What has changed regarding infant baptism in England and France?
    It is now less obligatory than before.
  • What does Hervieu-Leger (2000) say about traditional religion's influence?
    It is no longer passed down generations.
  • How does Hervieu-Leger describe young people's religious identity?
    They are ignorant of traditional religion.
  • What does Lyon (2000) argue about the current state of religion?
    We are in a period of re-enchantment.
  • What does Ammerman’s (1987) study illustrate about religious consumption?
    Families mix different religious practices.
  • How has the internet affected religious practices?
    It allows for online and cyber religion.
  • What does Hoover (2004) argue about online religion?
    It supplements rather than replaces church activities.
  • What are the criticisms of postmodernist views on religion?
    • Choice in religion is not equal.
    • Social class, ethnicity, and gender affect choices.
    • Postmodern theory does not explain religion's nature.
  • What do radical feminists and classical Marxists argue about religion?
    It instills capitalist and patriarchal ideologies.
  • What does Bruce argue about New Age movements?
    They cannot replace traditional religion.
  • What does the conclusion about postmodernism suggest regarding religion?
    It provides contemporary understanding of religion.