Global Fundamentalism

Cards (59)

  • What has fundamentalism emerged as a major concern in relation to?
    International Islamist terrorism
  • How is the term 'fundamentalist' applied beyond Islamist groups?
    It also applies to Protestant Christians
  • What do fundamentalist groups seek to return to?
    The basic ideas of their faith
  • What do Christian fundamentalists reject?
    Homosexuality and abortion
  • What do fundamentalist groups believe about religious texts?
    They believe in the literal truth of texts
  • What do Christian fundamentalists claim about the Bible?
    Every word is true and eternal
  • What do creationists believe about the world's creation?
    God created the world in seven days
  • What do fundamentalists deny regarding alternative visions?
    They deny the authenticity of alternative visions
  • How do fundamentalists justify their views?
    By referencing sacred texts
  • What does Aldridge (2013) argue about religious texts?
    No text can speak for itself; it needs interpretation
  • How do Christian fundamentalists interpret the Bible?
    As historical facts about the future
  • What mentality do fundamentalists create regarding the world?
    An 'us and them' mentality
  • What do fundamentalist groups appeal to in society?
    Tradition and fundamentals of their faith
  • What do fundamentalist groups believe about their traditional values?
    They are threatened by modern society
  • How do fundamentalist groups respond to perceived threats?
    With aggression to shock and intimidate
  • What types of threats do fundamentalist groups perceive?
    From globalization and new secular ideas
  • Who are the authoritative leaders in fundamentalist groups?
    The clergy and elders
  • What role do leaders play in fundamentalist movements?
    They interpret sacred texts and guide reactions
  • How do fundamentalist movements use modern technology?
    To recruit followers and access weapons
  • What does Giddens argue about fundamentalism and globalization?
    Fundamentalism is a reaction to globalization
  • What does globalization open up debate on?
    Difficult issues like abortion and marriage
  • What does Bauman (1992) highlight about postmodern society?
    Individuals face choice, freedom, and uncertainty
  • How do fundamentalists respond to uncertainty in society?
    By returning to basic ideas in holy texts
  • What does Giddens say about globalization's effects?
    It could lead to personalisation of religion
  • What is cosmopolitanism according to Giddens?
    A way of thinking that embraces modernity
  • What are the two responses to globalization according to Castells (1998)?
    Resistant identity and project identity
  • What does Beckford criticize about the view of globalization and fundamentalism?
    It ignores effects on other religious movements
  • What does Haynes (1998) argue about conflicts in the Middle East?
    They are often due to local elite failures
  • What period saw optimism for secular beliefs?
    The late 18th century until the 1960s
  • What does Davie (2013) say about secular fundamentalism?
    It has emerged as a response to globalization
  • What has caused the attack on the Enlightenment project since the 1970s?
    Uncertainty caused by globalization
  • What does Davie say about secular ideologies today?
    They are struggling to survive in society
  • What does Davie mean by secular ideologies having 'past their sell by date'?
    They are outdated and losing support
  • What happened in Yugoslavia in 1990?
    Ethnic cleansing justified by secular movements
  • What actions did France take regarding religious symbols in schools?
    Banned pupils from wearing religious symbols
  • What does Ansell (200) argue about cultural racism?
    It uses liberal language to deny racist aims
  • What did Donald Trump declare regarding America?
    'America first' and banned Muslim citizens
  • What does Bruce argue about the cause of fundamentalism?
    Globalization threatens religious beliefs
  • What type of religions does Bruce believe produce fundamentalism?
    Monotheistic religions
  • Why are polytheistic religions less likely to produce fundamentalism?
    They lack a single authoritative text