Growth & Popularity of NRM

Cards (23)

  • What has been the trend in the number of sects and cults since the 1980s?
    Rapid growth in number
  • How many NRMs are estimated to exist in the UK?
    Over 800 NRMs
  • How many people belong to non-mainstream Christian churches in the UK?
    Over half a million people
  • What are the three main explanations for the growth of NRMs, cults, and sects?
    1. Marginality
    2. Relative Deprivation
    3. Social Change
  • What does Weber mean by "Theodicy of disprivilege"?
    Justification for marginalised status
  • How do sects/NRMs provide alternative privileges to their members?
    By offering a sense of honour
  • What is Wallis's argument regarding middle-class members of sects?
    They may feel deprived despite privilege
  • What do Stark and Bainbridge argue about relatively deprived individuals?
    They break away to form sects
  • Why do privileged individuals prefer world-accepting NRMs?
    They seek to express their status
  • How does Scientology claim to benefit its members?
    By increasing IQ through memory release
  • What does Bryan Wilson argue about social change and sects?
    Rapid social change leads to sect formation
  • What does Bruce argue about the growth of sects and cults today?
    It is a response to modernisation
  • Why do people prefer cults over traditional churches?
    Cults require fewer sacrifices
  • What factors contributed to the popularity of world-rejecting movements in the 1960s?
    • Increased time spent in education
    • Freedom from adult responsibilities
    • Disillusionment with traditional society
    • Desire for alternative norms and values
  • What is the appeal of world-affirming movements like Transcendental meditation?
    They provide a sense of identity
  • What does Niebuhr argue about the lifespan of sects?
    They are short-lived organizations
  • What does Wilson argue about the longevity of some sects?
    Some sects can survive long-term
  • What are Adventist sects characterized by?
    Belief in the Second Coming of Christ
  • What challenge do Wilson's sects face due to globalization?
    Difficulty maintaining separation from society
  • What is the goal of Conversionist sects?
    To convert as many people as possible
  • What issue arises from using an ideal type in defining sects?
    It may not apply cross-culturally
  • What is a limitation of researching world-rejecting NRMs?
    Ethical issues in exposing them
  • What are the arguments for and against the view that sects are short-lived organizations?
    • Niebuhr: Sects are short-lived due to schism.
    • Second generation lacks commitment.

    • Wilson: Some sects can endure long-term.
    • Adventist sects maintain separation and commitment.