Treatments - magic bullet

Cards (7)

  • Ehrlich - magic bullet
  • chemicals which could kill syphilis bacteria (STD)
  • his team tried over 600 chemicals
  • 606 worker - Salvarsan 606 (1st magic bullet)
  • 1932 - Domagk
    red dye - Prontosil -
    • tried on mice with blood poisoning - It worked!
    • Tried on his daughter who had blood poisoning and was dying - It worked
    major companies wanted to know why (competition) --> 1931 electron microscope helped discover why
  • 1931 - the electron microscope discovered that the prontosil stopped bacteria multiplying - the bodies immune system could then deal with it ( this lead to scientist looking for other drugs that worked the same way)
  • 1938
    M&B693 - treated pneumonia - helped Winston Churchill